I love to see good deeds arise from disastrous situations.
The folks in Minot, North Dakota have seen some of the worst flooding in their history. I’ve seen stories of neighbors helping neighbors and volunteers from across the country headed up there to lend a hand. What is unexpected is when the level of help increases from individuals to corporations.
ProComm Voices recently recorded a spot for Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota. They actually put some thought into what they could do to help the people who were flooded out of their homes. What do you need most if you can’t go back home for weeks or months? You need your daily medications and monetary assistance. By offering to fill prescriptions early and extending premium payments, a large corporation is making a real difference.
It does a heart good and should be an inspiration to us all. If you would like to help with donations visit www.rallyminot.com.
Thanks to Flint Communications and Rodney Schumacher for their contributions.