Voice actor Kyle Holman is one talented guy. He has extensive experience as a stage actor, and over the years as a voiceover artist he has performed roles as diverse as: a British naturalist, an Australian adventurer, golf announcer, punk rocker, Casey Kasem, carnival barker, Cajun, the Godfather, Dr. Phil, Elvis, game show host, cowboy, pirate, Robin Leach, Scarface, Hal 9000…and the list goes on and on. We took a few moments to learn more about Kyle in today’s #TalentTuesday interview.

How long have you been working with ProComm?
Since 2001 as Voice talent
What’s your favorite part of voice acting?
I get to be somebody different with each job.
How did you get started in voiceover work?
That’s a looooong story. Simple answer… I’m an Actor. In the mid 90s I took a few years off and worked as an engineer in a commercial production studio. We used a lot of talent through ProComm. When I went back to acting full time… I submitted my voice reel to ProComm and the rest is history.
When you’re not behind a hot mic, what do you like to do?
I do quite a bit of live theatre and an little bit of film work here and there.

Favorite album or recording artist(s)?
Pink Floyd – Animals.
Favorite concert(s) you’ve attended?
Kiss (The Dynasty tour Aug. 16 1979)
Favorite Movie(s)/TV?
Movie – Blade Runner 1982
TV – Dexter
What kinds of pets do you have?

2 cats – Oliver & Lillie
What is one of your favorite vacations you’ve taken?
Skiing in Park City Utah
If we looked in your refrigerator, what would we find?
Pepsi by the case.
Favorite Food?
Steak! I can eat a 22 – 30 oz without taking a breath. I go to steak houses that will cut special. Yummmmm!
What was your first car?
1980 – I bought a 1964 MG Midget. Had it painted Oriental Red at Earl Scheib for 99$! It died 6 months later.
1981 – Black Camaro Z28
What event do you remember most fondly from high school?
Senior year … Fall play… I played Oscar in The Odd Couple.
If you woke up tomorrow as an animal, what animal would you choose to be and why?
A cat. Except for the licking yourself to get clean part… what a life.
Do you have any other special talents?
I grew up in a family of magicians and entertainers. I can prestidigitate anywhere.
Do you have a ‘most memorable session’?
Was directed by Steven Tyler of Areosmith. A lottery campaign called “Dream On”. Through ProComm.
Favorite ad campaign over the years you’ve heard or seen that does NOT include your voice?
The Foster Farms Chicken puppets from the 90s! (here’s one)
Dream career if not doing VO work, and could make a living?
Stuntman. Came close. It’s probably just as well.